Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saddenning tigger..

the time of the year has come to me yet another time, everytime when this happen to tigger, he feels like shit and the world is just too big for him, tigger feels like he is an ANT now. just a small living creature.

it only took tigger 4 days to make him from hero to zero. And took him months to make him hero. and only 4 days to make it flat!.. wondering how can this happen again and again?...

sitting @ starbucks yet again, with his faV..caffe latte low fat with a tip of ice in his ToGo cup!. CAnt seem to understand why and how to cure this evil sickness that he is having.

Staring in to the big world, he ask himself, when can i climb he mountain again? be today? a sudden Great Break? ... lets pray hard..and cross all our body parts together!...

*babytigger hoping for luck tonight!!!*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's bothering you?

at this time of the year something comes you way and brings you down? i've no idea of what could this be.

thanks for your advice on not thinking about new bikinis so much and to concentrate on studies lol

hugs for tigger :)