Saturday, August 01, 2009

last longer - iced caffe latte

today is a day. tomorrow is also a day.

feeling some mild headache, feeling some weird moments in life rhat is getting me over board the level of a peaceful mind. moving away from society and moving futher away from my goal in life..

so many freaking things are moving away from me at this moment..and this is frustrating. its really really hard to do things, when the people are not coming into the same channel. with the differences in channel, we feel that things are not in the same circle of our life and daily life.

the amount of effort we need to move things from one point to one point, and its really really HARD...! its really.

coz we need to do everything ourself and without that we cant move ! We cant be hoping for others to help you,coz they dont want to help you without any special benefits.

we must do it ourself, coz only us can help us and only us understand our needs! so fuck the people around us, and make it the way we want..stop bothering about the people and make it myself!

i can do it! we can do it!
just believe and dont give up! life is a challenge, if not there is no life!

trust yourself!

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